What Are You Doing Memorial Day Weekend?

The federal Memorial Day holiday is generally considered the official opening of summer in the United States. And that usually means a three-day weekend of fun activities. We came up with a list of possibilities…
- Go to a parade! Thousands of parades are held in towns and cities all over the country.
- Host a barbecue. Pull out the grill and invite some people over. The winter’s finally over – it’s time to start socializing again.
- Depending on where you live, head for the pool, beach, mountains or lake! Embrace the change of scenery and relax a little.
- Summer means the return of festivals, fairs and outdoor concerts. Check your local listings and go have some fun.
- Start a home project. Whatever you’ve been promising to do, paint, rebuild, fix or replace, get started on it. Heck, be ambitious – finish it this weekend!
For most Americans, Memorial Day means relaxing with friends and family. Many celebrations include only a nominal nod to the true meaning of Memorial Day. This year, take a moment to place flowers or a flag on the grave of a military serviceperson. Visit a national monument or cemetery, or simply take a moment at three in the afternoon to be grateful for those who have given their lives for our country, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Weaver Homes is a Pittsburgh and Mars area new home builder featuring single family homes patio homes and custom homes. Visit www.weaverhomelive.wpengine.com for more information.